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Chemistry Department, University of Richmond

The University of Richmond blends the intimacy of a small college with exceptional academic, research and cultural opportunities usually found only at large institutions. A nationally ranked private liberal arts university with roughly 3,000 undergraduates, Richmond offers a unique combination of programs through its schools of Arts and Sciences, Business, Leadership Studies, Law, and Continuing and Professional Studies. Our science and math departments offer solid classroom and teaching laboratory experiences along with extensive opportunities for undergraduate research. In summer 2015, over 65 undergraduates performed research with UR Chemistry faculty members, of whom 67 percent were funded internally and 36 percent were funded with external grants (NSF, NIH, Research Corporation, Dreyfus Foundation, ACS-PRF, HHMI, Beckman, etc). The latest in modern instrumentation supports this work, including 300 & 500 MHz NMRs and QTOF and MALDI-TOF Mass Spectrometers, as well as CD, ITC and DSC. The teaching load for the Visiting Faculty Position is seven or eight courses per year (three or four each semester), with lecture and laboratory sections each counting as one teaching unit. Introductory lecture and lab enrollments are typically around 30 and 20 students, respectively; lower enrollments are often present in upper-level lectures and labs. The Chemistry Department is ACS-accredited and offers B.A. and B.S. degrees in Chemistry. Jointly with the Biology department, we also offer B.A. and B.S. degrees in Biochemistry & Molecular Biology (BMB). We graduate roughly 15-20 Chemistry Majors and 30-35 BMB majors each year. For more information, see:

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